
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CODY is now retired from his dad job, but we love that his pups carry his genes!

We have raised really good dogs for the past 23 years.  I was always interested
in having really nice well bred and handsome animals.  So I have been fortionate to meet and connect puppies with all sorts of folks.  This project just doesn't happen overnight.  Lots of planning and thought goes into having a raising really great dogs.  So every once in awhile I meet people in a hurry.  They see what they want but cant afford it or dont have the time to dedicate to a quality operation.  I am a practical kind of lady, get what you want by saving for it. If you some how need a  dog right now consider a more common breed or possibly an abandoned one at a shelter.  I truelly love the consistancies of buying a well bred registered dog.  You know what to expect and a general sense that he or she is your perfect match.   I say keep your dream and plot a way to get it!