This handsome fellow is Marley. I am tipping you off now this story has a happy ending. But there is a lesson here about people and dogs and life to be learned. It is important to understand the needs of any breed of dog you are considering owning. For the most part most of the people that inquire have done quite a bit more investigation than the average would be dog owner. And the original owners of Marley, then Boomer were the same. He was the husband's dream dog, and seemed perfect on paper.
I am not naïve to understanding life happens, and I did not walk in these folks shoes, so in a nutshell this was a high energy dog that did not fit their expectations. Not one time did these folks reach out to me with questions or issues. So I am here to let my owners know I am that person. I am your advocate, and I can offer solutions and in some rare cases find your Griffon a more suitable home. I have always been a straight talker and maybe that puts people off, but blunt truth is what I am best at, and I am a resource when it comes to working with Griffons.

Back to Boomer, he was at home climbing fences, and not listening at the ripe ol' age of less than a year old. As I always say Exercise, Obedience, then Love in that order and when this balance is out of whack a young hormone driven, puppy can be quite a handful. In my humble opinion the
Trouble in Paradise

The owners lost patience and decided to find Boomer a home disregarding calling the breeder, me. Placed a common ad and got what I would consider the kind of response I would expect.... someone who mis-portrayed their situation and understanding of the needs of this little handful. He ended up in a trailer court with a frail older man, who had a 3 foot high bamboo fence in his tiny yard. Boomer, now named Eddie simply hopped the fence and being a social butterfly introduced himself to every trailer in the community. This went on for some 3 weeks.

"Eddie" Got nabbed by the dog police eventually, but by then had captured many of the neighbors attention and affection. He was after all gregarious, fun loving, and people seeking, loved children, dog friendly, and knew commands. So Mary his first Guardian angel was contacted. She went to the shelter sprung him and returned him to older owner.
At 6:30 AM the older neighbor had Eddie in hand thrust him and his paper work at Mary and said he was too much dog for him. She lives also in the park and has 2 small dogs of her own, contacted the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Rescue.... enter Christi Williams.
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Rescue

Now Christi Williams partners with a few other folks and through the paperwork shuffle found my name. We were familiar with one another and she messaged me, saying one of my bred dogs was found in a shelter.
Guardian Angels

Mary at left and her mother were eagerly awaiting my call. It seems she could only contain Eddie by sitting with him in her yard. She dared not let him go, and could not bring him in the house. I scrambled and thought family...... People that will do whatever it takes for you and she has a heart of Gold and soon proved that in Spades.
Nancy and Eric

Meet my Aunt Nancy! She is the best and after a quick surmise of the situation agreed to literally leave that minute to get Eddie, a 2 hour plus drive in LA style traffic. All the while Mary patiently sat in her yard with the big ol oof. Nancy and my cousin Eric sight unseen loaded Eddie into the car, brought him home and made him comfortable.

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